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The Greatest Words Never Said


The beginning of our universe was dark and formless. There was no time or space or color. Just the cold, infinite black.

Then, according to the Biblical account, God said “Let there be light”, and there was light and life and warmth.

He spoke creation into existence.

Whether you believe there’s a god or not, I hope you’re able to see how interesting this story is. God could have simply thought the world into motion. He could have waived his hand like a Jedi wielding the force and sent it spinning.

Instead, He spoke, and there was light. As if it had to be said before it could be realized.

And that’s kind of how it is in our own lives.

We have ideas and plans in our head, and kept there, they mean nothing. They have no shape or form. They are not known. They carry no weight.

It’s not until they’re spoken, once we put them out there for the world to hear, that they become real. Then, they have power and presence.

I think we forget that.

We undervalue the potential of the thoughts we have, and so, we keep them in the shapeless void of our minds.

A few years back, I was talking to a friend when I made an off-handed compliment. They pause, showing surprise.

“What?” I asked.

“That’s the first time you’ve ever complimented me,” they said.

I laughed nervously. “That’s not true.”

“No,” they said, “it is.”

I thought about it, all of our past interactions, and I realize they were telling the truth. I had known this person for years. I cared for them. Respected them. They were honestly one of my favorite people.

And I had never told them one encouraging thing.

It’s never been easier for us as a society to express ourselves, to give life to the thoughts and reactions inside of our heads. Yet, we seem worse than ever at telling each other how we feel.

This is going to sound melodramatic, but….

Your words could be the light that brings life to someone’s world.

You witness someone do something great, and you assume that they know how special they are, how much they mean to you and other people. You keep your thoughts to yourself. The greatest words never said.

Never known.

There’s good news.

This is a problem you can solve. Just say the words. Speak the truth into those around you, whether it’s in person or through a text or a snapchat or whatever. We think our responses have to be big and fancy and planned out, scripted perfectly like the closing moments of a dramatic movie.

Positive truth doesn’t need to be glamorized. It just needs to be said.

(side-note, this song doesn’t entirely go with what I just said, but I couldn’t get it out of my head while writing this post. Also, I love this version of it. So enjoy!)

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Picture of Timothy Snyder

Timothy Snyder

Hello. I am a Minneapolis-based writer and the creator of This Blank Page. If I'm not working or writing, I'm probably at a concert, sitting in a local coffee shop, sweating at the gym, playing video games, or hanging with my dog Falkor. My life's goal is to one day have my own Wikipedia page.

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