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Can I Hire Someone to Blog for Me?

A blog can be a powerful addition to any professional website. It creates ongoing content that attracts potential customers, answers frequently asked questions, establishes your brand’s authority on relevant topics, provides material that can be shared on social platforms, improves your rankings in search engines, and more.

There’s just one problem: writing is hard.

Maybe you hate writing. Maybe you simply don’t have the time or energy to start and maintain a blog for your brand. 

Whatever reason is keeping you from writing, there is hope. You can simply hire someone to create blog content for you. And it doesn’t have to be a full-time staff member either (though it certainly can be). It should, however, be someone that understands best blogging practices, SEO basics, and the rules of grammar.

But before we get into the specifics of who you should hire to blog for you, let’s take a look at why you should have someone blogging for your brand.

Why Have Someone Blog for You?

Let’s say you have a business/product/platform that you’re trying to turn into a smashing success. Once you have the details sorted, you work on creating a website. Maybe you build it yourself. Maybe you pay someone a lot of money to build it for you.

Either way, you finish the website, it goes live, and you feel good about what you have.

Now, it’s time for your brand to take off in popularity. Soon your inbox will be flooded with leads, your social channels will have tens of thousands of followers, and your biggest challenge will be deciding what to spend all of your money on.

There’s just one problem…

No One is Coming to Your Website

There are a few reasons why you may be struggling to get people to come to your website. Assuming everything was set up correctly, it’s most likely because your website is not optimized for search engines. Your current website may be “search engine friendly”, but that’s not the same as being search engine optimized.

SEO is an ongoing process that increases the likelihood of your website appearing in relevant searches on places like Google, bringing quality leads to your website in the form of “organic traffic”.

An ideal example looks something like this:

Let’s say you do drywall in Minneapolis, MN. Someone goes to Google, types “drywall Minneapolis”, sees your name at the top, clicks to your website, lands on a specially created page, and contacts you through the website. The two of you discuss terms, you’re hired for the job, and everyone is happy.

That is the end result of successful SEO.

In order to reach this point, you’ll first need to determine the keywords you wish to rank for and optimize your site accordingly. Once that’s done, you can start generating ongoing content. Due to the technical nature of blogging, hiring an external website content strategist that has experience in SEO is the most effective way to ensure success.

But this leads to a common question…

How Can Someone Outside of My Industry Write About My Company?

Every industry has its technical aspects, special terminology, etc. Some more than others. It’s understandable to doubt that some outsider can sit down at their computer and start writing content for a field they know nothing about.

However, it’s important to remember that the large majority of successful marketing you see in the world is led and created by agencies and external vendors that don’t actually work in the industry they’re creating content for.

People discussing blog strategy at a table

When it comes to blogging for another business, professional writers are trained to research and discuss subjects they know little to nothing about. And any reputable content agency knows how to work with a brand so that they get the information they need and craft something that is true to a particular industry.

The more technical your industry is, the more collaborative you will likely have to be when working with an external partner. But you can still save time while creating more effective content than you would likely create on your own.

You just need to find the right partner.

Where to Start

If your business is going to have a blog, it needs to be done correctly. Otherwise, you’ll end up wasting time and money for little-to-no results. Before any posts are written, you should ensure your website has an effective content strategy in place. This means establishing a brand voice and effective pathways for visitors to follow. From there, you can focus on keyword research and SEO.

With all of that in place, you can have someone focus on the actual blog.

We know, it can sound like a lot, but trust us when we say the results are worth it. SEO and blogging are long-term strategies. That means they can take some time to set up and start receiving results. But it also means that they continue to deliver results for a long time. 

A good blog post can generate continual traffic for your website for years to come.

If you’re looking to hire someone to blog for you, This Blank Page can help. Click here to schedule a consultation, or click the button below to get a free website assessment.

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Picture of Timothy Snyder

Timothy Snyder

Hello. I am a Minneapolis-based writer and the creator of This Blank Page. If I'm not working or writing, I'm probably at a concert, sitting in a local coffee shop, sweating at the gym, playing video games, or hanging with my dog Falkor. My life's goal is to one day have my own Wikipedia page.

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